Tuesday, February 9, 2010

First Time for Everything

I wanted to tell you all something that happened for the first time to me in my career. As I walked into the Sportica (our gym) after a film session I noticed that it was VERY VERY cold in the gym. I could almost see my breath (ok I am exaggerating.... a little), but it was extremely cold. So today for the first time in my career I had to wear a full out hooded sweatshirt under my jersey to stay warm hahahahaha! I thought it was pretty funny and something that I should share with you. I figured you might get a kick out of it. PS- I have a cold now!!

Below is a link of a couple highlights from our last game in Rouen. I hope everyone back home is staying warm and being careful in the weather your getting! God Bless (Joshua 1:9)

1 comment:

  1. Hey, it has been fun watching you guys continue to play! I am actually coming up for the game tomorrow and now wondering if the gym is still cold?!? Good luck! God Bless!
    (Jer. 29:11)
